Welcome to my site

Music I listen to

I'm not sure what to do with this site, I just created it minutes ago.

Firstly I'm just going to make a CSS file to make it more pleasing to the eye.

I need some HTML elements to test my CSS, so here is a table of some of the anime I watched.

This also gives me an opportunity to test out furigana.

Anime Genre
Re:Zero かい
Naruto しょう ねん
Dragon Ball しょう ねん

I'm having enough for today. Lastly let's work on ordered lists.

  1. 월요일
  2. 화요일
  3. 수요일
  4. 목요일
  5. 금요일
  6. 토요일
  7. 일요일
  8. понедељак
  9. уторак
  10. среда
  11. четвртак
  12. петак
  13. субота
  14. недеља

Btw I wrote a C# program to print out the days of the week (starting with Monday of course).

It accepts one or more languages and displays their localized weekdays.

Here's the source code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;

class Program
	static IEnumerable<string> GetDays(CultureInfo culture)
		return culture.DateTimeFormat.DayNames;

	static IEnumerable<string> GetDays(string culture)
		return GetDays(new CultureInfo(culture, false));

	static IEnumerable<string> ReorderDays(IEnumerable<string> days)
		return days.Skip(1).Concat(days.Take(1));

	static void Main(String[] args)
		var days = ReorderDays(GetDays(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

		if(0 < args.Length)
			days = args.SelectMany(x => ReorderDays(GetDays(x)));

		foreach(var day in days)

To compile and run type this in the shell:

mcs -out:weekdays weekdays.cs
./weekdays ko sr # Korean and Serbian

List of supported cultures